Monday, July 24, 2017

Welcome Back FY 18

As summer winds down and Crawford County Schools’ staff and students are preparing to return, I can’t say that I am sad.  I enjoy a quick break but after the July 4th holiday I get a little antsy and ready for a schedule to return.  I also want to apologize for my lack of “blogging” after Christmas Break last school year.  I have no good excuse, just know that this blog will be a priority this year.  I believe that it is a way to tell the positive story of our school and I will be committed to frequent posts.

We have some exciting things coming this year with our leaders.  We will be continuing the A-TEAM meetings monthly, but the design will be slightly modified.  We will meet once a month and analyse at real life Crawford County data.  This will give our administrative team and academic coaches a chance to use the plethora of data that we gather to improve student achievement.  Gathering data just to gather is worthless, teachers and school administrators must be able to use this data to drive instruction and channel resources.  In addition to the monthly meetings, a portion of our leadership team will be attending the Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) basecamp and leadership summit.  GLISI is an independent, non-profit organization that is committed to working with district and school leaders to build leadership capacity, improve organizational effectiveness, and create conditions that improve student achievement. We partner with education leaders in Georgia and across the nation to drive positive change in their districts and schools through performance-based leadership development, district consulting, and research, drawing on best practice in K-12 education, business, and adult learning.

Crawford County has added an assistant principal to assist at Crawford County Elementary.  This will allow a more direct focus on curriculum and instruction which is sure to increase student achievement.  With student achievement  at the forefront, students at both Crawford County Middle School and Crawford County High School will be allowed to take higher rigor courses.  CCMS students will have the opportunity to get some high school credits in the 8th grade and CCHS students will get 2 more AP opportunities this year.  All of these efforts are an attempt to increase student achievement throughout Crawford County Schools.  This is the first strategic goal in our strategic waiver school system contract with the state.

Important Dates:
July 31, 2017 New Teacher Orientation
August 1, 2017 Faculty Returns
August 8, 2017 Open House
August 11, 2017 Student’s First Day!!!

Excellent Teachers - Excellent Leaders - Excellent Schools