Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Letter to Parents and Guardians

Parents and Guardians of Crawford County Students,

                At 3:45 today, April 1, 2020, I found out that Governor Brian Kemp was going to require schools be closed to in person instruction for the remainder of this school year.   I want to first say to you, please know your kids are going to be OK.  All students in Crawford County Schools will be OK.  We are currently planning on how to get new resources to your children, both electronically and manually, as well as how we are going to start next year with intense remediation, to ensure skills and knowledge that your students may have missed during this disruption.  We will find a way to progress monitor each student early in the school year next year and we will come up with a plan to catch up everyone who needs catching up. We will continue to provide online lessons from teachers and programs, teachers will continue to find ways to reach your children and share those methods with everyone, and we will find a way to get paper packets safely to all children.  Right now there are more questions than answers, but we will work closely with the GA Department of Education, The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, and other agencies to work through this unprecedented time.  We are in the same boat as every school in the state.  We are better off than some and not as well off as others, but we are ALL (ALL public schools) in the same boat so we will get through it together.

             2020 Seniors, I literally hurt for how your special year has been upturned.  We will be discussing and asking for guidance on how to respectfully close your K-12 education experience. I don’t have the words to tell you how much I hate this is happening, but you will be alright too.  This will be a life lesson in perseverance.  I am certain your teachers and staff will do everything in their power to assist you to make certain you have the credentials to graduate and move forward in your college or career path.  We will be asking you as well as all students to complete assignments and interact with teachers.  This should allow you multiple one on one interactions.


Brent Lowe
Superintendent Crawford County Schools